The Tahoe strains were originally created by a 'Ganja Guru' who lived in Lake Tahoe, California sometime in the late 1980's early 1990's. Today the strain usually leans towards its Indica genetics, but may also lean towards its Sativa genetics depending on the grower and location. Great for those suffering from insomnia, pain, or lack of appetite. Tahoe is a remarkable strain that has made quite a name for itself in the last few years. Several online sources report Tahoe was developed in the 1980s, but that time frame is inconsistent with the 1992 emergence of OG Kush -- of which Tahoe OG is a phenotype. In fact, recent genetic testing confirmed certain Tahoe cuts are related to OG Kush. OG Kush appeared when breeder Matt “Bubba” Burger brought his Florida-grown strain to new, indoor settings engineered by California’s JoshD of JoshD Farms. The OG stood for “original,” and indicated the strain was part of the ’92 cut grown by Burger and his team. From there, Ganja Guru moved a step further with Tahoe OG, selecting phenotypes based on THC levels and trichome density. Its desirability earned the cultivar 3rd place for Best Indica at the 2011 Cannabis Cup.
Facts about the Tahoe Feminised strain:
Known to be effective for insomnia, pain, or lack of appetite.
Order your Tahoe Feminised seeds now!
10 Seed = $95
20 Seed = $180
30 Seed = $265
Type: Mostly Sativa
Climate: Indoor / Outdoor
Yield: Indoors: 550 gr/m2; Outdoors: 800 gr/plant
Height: Large Sized
Flowering Period: 10 - 12 weeks